About Royal Palm Neighborhood’s 19NORTH Community Garden
A space for gardening and community to be experienced.
Open to the public, the community garden is City-owned property leased to Royal Palm Neighborhood adjacent to the light rail in the heart of the Neighborhood.
Originally established through a partnership with 19NORTH Community Alliance, the community garden is now owned and operated by the Royal Palm Neighborhood. We’re responsible for making sure its beauty and neighborhood benefits last for years to come.
Quick facts:
The garden is located at 8215 N 19th Ave.
There are no fees and no memberships - everyone is free to join in the work and joy of gardening and harvesting.
There is an open work day every Saturday from 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
All produce is shared by the community.
We are 100% volunteer run and donation funded.
We service the community by offering classes to neighboring schools and community partners.
Questions should be directed to Hillary at hrusk@mac.com.

Upcoming Events
Do you love all things green? Do you like to grow your own flowers, fruits, vegetables and herbs? We need your help to raise funds to support our community garden operations for the coming year.
Get involved and help us grow! Join us at an upcoming event!